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Dillsburg Area Soccer Club

Concussion Policy

Concussion Policy

Concussion -A traumatic brain injury that interferes with normal brain function.  Medically a concussion is a complex, pathophysiological event to the brain that is induced by trauma which may or may not involve a loss of consciousness (LOC).  Concussion results in a constellation of physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep-related symptoms.  Signs or symptoms may last from several minutes to day, weeks or even longer in some cases.


Preliminary Statement

The Dillsburg Area Soccer Club as an affiliate member of the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association is adopting this policy as part of its obligation to provide a safe playing environment for its players.

Awareness of concussion and effects of concussion on players, especially youth players, has increased over the past decade.  Medically, a concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury.

Because it is a brain injury, a concussion is not a visible injury, such as a broken arm.  It requires time to heal properly, involving both physical and mental rest.  Consequences may include loss of coordination or memory, vision problems, learning issues and changes in emotions and behavior.

The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has established the HEADS UP: Concussion in Youth Sports program and tool kit to provide training to coaches, athletes and parents regarding concussions.  The Pennsylvania Senate passed Bill No. 200, known as the “Safety in Youth Sports Act,” it was signed into law 2011, this bill establishes standards for managing concussions and traumatic brain injuries to student athletes, regarding youth athletes, concussions and return to play.

Preventative Action Plan

Dillsburg Area Soccer Club shall be required to provide educational materials to their members-including but not limited to coaches, players and parents.  Materials may be in electronic or traditional formats.  Our club will put forth our best efforts to educate and test all coaches via options available by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  DASC will be responsible for the enforcement of these procedures.  The testing and education of our coaches, players, and parents will fall under the direct supervision of the DASC Director of Player Development (DOPD).

Pre-Season Requirements

Coaches and referees are required to take the free CDC online training course Concussion Training for Coaches, (which is located in the middle of the webpage and takes approximately 30 minutes) before they may coach or officiate for the first time starting with the 2013/2014 season and every year thereafter. There is a certificate issued at the completion of the course, which must be turned into the DASC DOPD upon completion.  This is required for all coaches.

Parents and players may take the course for their own information.

Parents and coaches are required to sign off on a concussion education fact sheet, developed by the CDC and available on their website at  click on the appropriate link for fact sheet for parents, athletes and coaches/officials (located about two-thirds the way down the webpage)

The concussion fact sheet website will be part of the registration process each season.  Acknowledgement of receipt of concussion information will be required at each registration.

Season Requirements          

Any player exhibiting the signs or symptoms of a concussion or traumatic brain injury while participating in sanctioned soccer activity (training, games, tournaments, and scrimmages) shall be removed by the coach from participation at that time.  In addition, coaches should not allow a child to participate if they are aware of a concussion received from another activity, outside of their direct authority.  

The same day of the injury the Head Coach will complete the “Possible Concussion Notification” form, providing page 1 immediately to the parents and page 2 to the DASC DOPD within 24 hours of the incident.

The coach shall not return a child to soccer participation until the child is evaluated and cleared for return to participation in writing by an a licensed physician who is trained in the evaluation and management of concussions or a licensed or certified health care professional trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and designated by such licensed physician.

The coach must notify the DASC DOPD by phone or email that the child has been released to play and turns in the written clearance to the DASC DOPD immediately upon receipt.

Disciplinary Action for Violating this Policy

In accordance with the Pennsylvania Bill No. 200 and EPYSA, DASC shall institute minimum penalties for a coach found in violation of this policy.  

(1) For a first violation, suspension from coaching for the remainder of the season.

(2) For a second violation, suspension from all soccer activity for the remainder of the season and for the next season.

(3) For a third violation, permanent suspension from all soccer activity.

Dillsburg Area Soccer Club will use an Executive Board hearing to review and enforce punishment for violations of the policy with the coach in question.  The disciplinary action is put in place by EPYSA and will be followed by our club in an effort to keep our players safe.

Contact Us

Dillsburg Area Soccer Club

717-891-5241, PO BOX 114
Dillsburg, Pennsylvania 17019

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 717-891-5241
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