DASC Standing Rules
1. These rules are an adjunct to the Dillsburg Area Soccer Club (DASC) Constitution and Bylaws.
2. The Constitution and Bylaws and the Standing Rules are posted on the DASC website.
3. DASC is a member of the Central Pennsylvania Youth Soccer League (CPYSL), which is part of the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association (EPYSA). EPYSA is affiliated with the U.S. Youth Soccer Association (USYSA).
4. DASC is a non-profit youth soccer association with 501(c) (3) status. DASC is committed to fostering a passion for the game by providing a safe, fun environment where our players can learn the value of teamwork, achieve individual success and develop a strong ethic of good sportsmanship. DASC reserves the right to make alterations to any program details in accordance with this mission statement.
1. DASC uses a combination of professional and volunteer coaches and trainers, volunteer assistant coaches, and volunteer team managers (DASC Representatives).
2. Criteria for coach and trainer selection will include prior work experience, coaching licenses, experience as a soccer player, willingness to complete coaching courses and other educational measures, and demeanor.
3. Head travel coaches will be recommended by the Director of Player Development (DOPD). Assistant coaches and team managers will be recommended by the head coach with guidance from the DOPD. It is highly recommended that no more than two assistant coaches are assigned per travel team.
4. Polar Cub Academy (PCA) head and volunteer coaches will be recommended by the PCA Coordinator with guidance from the DOPD.
5. Recreational (Rec) program trainers will be recommended by the Rec Coordinator with guidance from the DOPD.
6. All DASC Representatives will be submitted by the DOPD to the Executive Board for final approval. It is highly recommended that travel teams do not include related parties in their make up of DASC Representatives. (Related parties are defined as relationships that are by blood or marriage, typically grandparents, spouses or siblings.)
7. All DASC Representatives are subject to any criminal history and background check requirements of governmental and organizational associations. The DOPD will maintain accurate and complete records to ensure compliance.
8. All DASC Representatives shall be informed by the DOPD that they are a mandated reporter and agree that they will comply with the PA Child Protective Services Law. Any suspected child abuse will be reported immediately to the ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313. Information can be found at www.KeepKidsSafe.pa.gov. After reporting to ChildLine, mandated reporters are required by Pennsylvania to immediately notify the person in charge of the organization, which in this case is the DASC President.
9. All DASC Representatives are subject to requirements and regulations imposed upon DASC by governing bodies, including CPYSL, EPYSA and USYSA. All coaches and trainers must complete concussion training and follow the PA Department of Health’s concussion guidelines in compliance with EPYSA policy. The DOPD will maintain accurate and complete records of concussion certification, and will ensure that any concussion reporting is completed as required by the PA Department of Health and EPYSA guidelines.
10. All DASC Representatives are required to comply with the DASC Representative Code of Conduct. The DOPD will maintain accurate and complete records to ensure completion.
1. The number and composition of teams are based on EPYSA and USYSA guidelines. Team rosters are compiled by the PCA Coordinator each season with guidance from the DOPD.
2. PCA teams will be dissolved after the spring season and may be dissolved after the fall season at the discretion of the PCA Coordinator.
3. Players must be at least four years of age at season’s start.
1. The Rec program is primarily an intramural soccer program for U9 - U18 players.
2. Team rosters are compiled by the Rec Coordinator each season with guidance from the DOPD.
1. All EPYSA approved travel teams shall abide by the USYSA roster size for the maximum number of players. The number of players on a team will be determined by the number of players registered in the applicable age group(s) and the consensus of the Vice President, the appropriate Registrar and the DOPD. If there is disagreement, the Executive Board will act to resolve the dispute.
2. The division in which a team will be entered for the purpose of CPYSL Team Counts will be made by the Team Selection Committee with guidance from the head coach. If there is disagreement, the Executive Board will act to resolve the dispute. CPYSL makes the final determination for division placement.
3. Fall teams will remain intact for the spring season. When necessary, spring teams will be formed by combining players from various fall teams within the judgment of the Vice President, the appropriate Registrar and the DOPD. If there is disagreement, the Executive Board will act to resolve the dispute.
4. Travel teams will be dissolved at the end of each spring season. This provides youth who have improved their skills from the previous year an opportunity to tryout for a higher level team.
5. In accordance with USYSA’s strong recommendation for a minimum of 50% playing time for all players U12 and younger, DASC requires coaches to make every effort to follow USYSA’s recommendation. Coaches may use their discretion when assigning playing time if practice attendance is poor. Other issues that may affect playing time should be resolved with the assistance of the DOPD and the Executive Board.
6. The Executive Board approves a standard primary uniform for teams each year. No advertising or team logo is permitted on the primary (purple) uniform; however, advertising or a team logo as approved by the Executive Board is permitted on secondary (white) uniforms. No approval is required to place advertising or a team logo on items not worn on the field during play.
1. The general philosophy of team selection is to form teams based on skill level. Grouping players with similar skills, speed, agility and age promotes individual player development and best situates the team for success.
2. Tryouts will be held each spring to place players on teams for the following soccer year. A soccer year is defined as the fall, winter and spring season of a school year. Additional tryouts may be scheduled at the discretion of the Executive Board, if warranted.
3. All travel players of all age groups are strongly encouraged to attend tryouts. Not attending tryouts with the hope of being placed on a particular team is strictly prohibited. Late registrants and players who did not attend tryouts will be placed on teams as space permits.
4. A tryout schedule must be approved by the Executive Board and shall be published at least 30 days in advance. Tryouts will be coordinated by the DOPD in accord with an approved plan in advance of tryouts.
5. Players must register for tryouts before they can participate.
6. Players are strongly encouraged to play on their true-age team. Players are permitted to tryout to play-up one (1) age group. In order to be considered for both their true age group and the play-up group, player must attend both tryouts. To earn a roster position on the play-up age group team, the player must assess within the top three of all players assessing.
7. The only exception to the top three rule will be if combining age groups is necessary for the composition of a team or if otherwise deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
8. Players who wish to be considered for the goalkeeper position are encouraged to attend the goalkeeper tryouts. Players must register for tryouts as well as goalkeeper tryouts. Goalkeeper tryouts will be used to ensure that all teams have a player to serve as a qualified goalkeeper.
9. If a player wishes to be excused from tryouts, a parent or guardian of the player may request an excused absence. Excused absence requests must be presented to the DOPD in writing as soon as possible, and approved by the Executive Board. Excused absence requests should be made at least 30 days in advance.
10. When reviewing a request for an excused absence, the Executive Board’s consideration will include, but not be limited to the following:
a.) illness or injury verified by documentation from a doctor;
b.) participation in an activity that is of a qualifier nature;
c.) a case-by-case analysis of the request.
Regular season games or activities will not be considered an excused absence.
11. In the event of sudden injury or illness, every attempt should be made to contact the DOPD prior to tryouts. In the event of an unforeseen emergency illness or event, contact must be made with the DOPD within 24 hours following tryouts.
1. The number and age groupings of teams will be determined by the Vice President, the appropriate Registrar and the DOPD based on the number of players registered at all age groups.
2. Teams will be selected by the Team Selection Committee. The Team Selection Committee includes the Vice President, the appropriate Registrar, the DOPD, and the coach when possible. Other assessors may be included for guidance. Composition of the Team Selection Committee may change upon vote of the Executive Board.
3. The Team Selection Committee will be permitted to save one field player out of assessment order; however, that save will not be permitted if it displaces a player.
4. One goalkeeper exception is also permitted as long as the goalkeeper attended the goalkeeper tryouts and assessed first.
5. Once preliminary rosters are finalized, the appropriate Registrar will extend player invitations. Players will have 72 hours to accept invitations. Failure to respond to an invitation will be deemed a rejection. Travel registration fees shall be paid according to the timeline set forth by the invitation.
6. The DOPD may recommend an exception to Standing Rules for Travel Team Selection to the Team Selection Committee if it’s for the benefit of team composition and/or player development.
7. Secondary Players and Club Pass Players are allowed under certain circumstances.
a.) Secondary Players are included on the official team roster but are not primary players on a DASC team. Secondary Players are bound by and shall comply with all CPYSL rules. DASC policy is that a secondary player shall not be rostered without the approval of the Executive Board.
b.) Club Pass Players are league approved and age eligible DASC players who may play on a DASC team according to CPYSL rules. The purpose of Club Pass Players is to ensure teams have an adequate number of players on game day. Playing time should be given to rostered players with Club Pass Players utilized as substitutes.
8. Travel Team Selection appeals may only be made by a parent or guardian.
a.) Appeals must be filed in writing with the DASC President within 7 days of the Registrar’s notification.
b.) Upon the filing of an appeal, the appellant shall have the right to appear before the Executive Board and to present witnesses and evidence in support of his or her case.
c.) The adjudication of all appeals shall be held in Executive Session.
d.) After hearing evidence, the Executive Board will engage in a fact-finding process and the President will notify the appellant of the Board’s decision.
1. Unless specified, DASC has a no-refund policy.
2. If a refund is specified, a request must be made in writing to the Registrar or President before the refund deadline. All refunds incur a $10 processing fee.
3. Refund processing fees will be waived in the event there is no team on which to place the player.
4. Except under the above circumstance, registration fees are forfeited to DASC whether or not the registered player participates.
5. Registrations may incur a late fee if completed after the due date. Due dates and late fees are posted on the DASC website.
6. Check or electronic check payments returned for non-sufficient funds, stop payment requests, or a closed account will result in a $35.00 Returned Check Fee.
7. All balances must be paid in full before a player can participate.
8. Financial assistance is available based on need. Assistance requests must be received before the registration due date. Requests should be submitted by completing the online Financial Assistance Request form. Requests are held in confidence by the DASC President and the DOPD and approved by the Executive Board.
9. Volunteer Credit Rules are posted on the DASC website.
1. The Executive Board shall resolve any dispute over the interpretation of these Standing Rules.
2. The Executive Board shall resolve any issue that might arise that is not addressed in these Standing Rules consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws.
Social media should only be used to promote positive experiences. Safeguarding the privacy of our DASC players is a top priority. DASC will not reveal identities of any players on social media sites. This includes any personal information including, but not limited to, last name, home or other physical address, email address, telephone number, school, finances, health, and/or other information about our players and their families.
Revised 8/21/2017