DASC Player Code of Conduct
| The Dillsburg Area Soccer Club is a non-profit community soccer organization. We are committed to fostering a passion for the game by providing a safe, fun environment where our players can learn the value of teamwork, achieve individual success and develop a strong ethic of good sportsmanship. |
1) I will play hard, but I will play within the rules of the game.
2) I will acclimate myself to the rules of the game.
3) I will play and practice with enthusiasm and dedication.
4) I will treat all coaches, players, parents, referees and spectators with dignity and respect and will avoid, at all cost, any verbal or physical abuse of these people during games and/or practices. I will accept coaches and/or officials decisions without argument.
5) I will always display good sportsmanship.
6) I will win with grace and lose with dignity.
7) I will remember that winning is only important if I can accept losing, because both are important parts of the game.
8) I will accept all consequences for any wrong decisions that I make at either practice or during a game.
9) I will play to win; I will never give up; I will play my hardest until the final whistle.
10) I will abide by the by-laws, standing rules and regulations as set forth by DASC and CPYSL.
11) I will not consume any alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco products.
Player’s signature ___________________________________________________________
Player’s printed name ________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian’s signature ____________________________________________________
Parent/guardian’s Printed name _________________________________________________